Proving Emotional Distress in a Motorcycle Lawsuit

When you file a motorcycle lawsuit, you ask for damages. Many of these damages are monetary and therefore easily computed. They can be proven with medical bills, receipts, or pay stubs. That is why it is easy for the courts to reconcile these damages. However, there are intangible damages that are non-monetary. The victim experiences […]

10 Motorcycle Ideas for Christmas in Florida 2020

In many parts of the world motorcycles are garaged for the winter, but not in Florida. The mildest winters in the United States occur in the southern half of the Sunshine State. This year has brought a lot of stress and unknowns because of the pandemic, and motorcycles have been a great escape from the […]

Zoom Trial Jury Verdict $411 Million for Injured Motorcyclist

When Duane Washington was riding his motorcycle July 24, 2018, he abruptly encountered a pileup involving over 45 vehicles. He tried to quickly move to the median, but it was too late. There was a vehicle in the emergency lane. It didn’t have its lights on. Washington was injured severely in the crash. 2 years […]

Avoiding the Stink and Sweat of Riding to Work

When you see a picture of a male or a female in motorcycle gear, you typically don’t imagine the scent. If you do, it may be the scent of oil and leather, not the smell of inevitable sweat. It goes with the territory. If you’re going to ride, you’re going to sweat. This is what […]

Is Riding a Motorcycle Good for Your Health?

For many people, riding a motorcycle is synonymous to flirting with death. But for the experienced rider, a good long ride is synonymous with enhanced physical, mental, and emotional health. Recently, a study was performed to measure some of the health benefits of riding. Is riding a motorcycle good for your health? Unsurprisingly, the answer […]

 10 Romantic Motorcycle Dates

Motorcycle dates are some of the most fun times a person can have riding if they are experienced and know how to ride safely with a passenger. The same trip can be taken time and time again, and each time it will have a similar romantic effect. Still, every rider likes a new adventure. Here […]

Wrongful Death Lawsuit After a Motorcycle Accident

In most cases, the worst thing that can happen in a motorcycle accident is that somebody dies. When it is the fault of another person, grieving family members may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit. A wrongful death suit does not make up for the loss of life. It is the best solution […]
