Florida attorneys won a settlement and Turn a $500K Policy into a $9M

Two South Florida attorneys won a large settlement for their client after an insurance company refused to its tender policy limits in a timely manner. MIAMI — An unnamed insurance company has agreed to make a $9 million payout to Abraham Valdez, who was run over in a hit-and-run crash, after refusing to deliver the […]

What to Do When Your Employer Doesn’t Report a Work Injury

A work injury could sideline an employee for days, weeks, even months. Workers’ compensation happens in two ways. First, the injured employee reports their injury or occupational disease to their employer. Second, the employer reports the injury to their insurance provider, kickstarting the work comp process. While it sounds straightforward, it does not always work […]

Getting the Most Out of Your Workplace Injury Settlement

An injury on the job can leave you with countless medical bills and missed work time. Unplanned forced time away can cause employees to stress about paying for their living costs. Luckily, many workers are protected if they sustain a work injury. You have a legal right to claim compensation for your medical cost and […]

Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim

Millions of people across the U.S. are hurt on the job every year. A work injury can wreak havoc on your personal and professional life. After a work-related accident you may be facing the unpleasant reality of mounting debt from unpaid medical bills, and missing out on work while you recover. Receiving benefits from workers’ […]

Liability Waivers and Your Right to a Claim

When you are using a service or enjoying an activity outside your home, you may be surprised to find that you could be signing away your right to pursue compensation for an injury. In order to use an app or participate in an activity, you are often required to sign the service provider’s liability waiver. […]

What Business Owners Should Know About Preventing Slip and Fall Accidents

Most business owners are care about their customers and employees and would hate to see someone severely injured on their property. However, you may not be aware of the fact that if an individual slips and falls on the premises of their business, the owner could face a lawsuit. It is a business owner’s responsibility […]

What is Workers’ Compensation?

Getting injured on the job is something an employee hopes to never face. Luckily, if you are injured, then you can seek workers’ compensation paid on the behalf of your employer in the state of Florida. Workers’ comp in Florida enables you to offset the high expenses you have to pay for your medical care […]

The Timeline for Slip and Fall Cases

The law is full of important time limits and deadlines, and if you are not careful you can permanently damage your personal injury case due to lack of timeliness. It is vitally important that you contact a lawyer as soon as you are able, ideally a firm that is experienced in slip and fall practice […]

The Most Common Workplace Injuries and How to Prevent Them

Because of increased workplace health and safety measures, the incidence of most common work-related injuries and fatalities have reduced over time. Daily occupational fatalities have decreased from 38 per day in 1970 to 15 per day in 2019 according to the Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA), but there is still a long way to […]

Seat belts. The dangers of not buckling up are greater then you think.

The huge risk of not wearing your seat belt. According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, only 7 percent of motorists don’t wear a seat belt while driving, or riding in a car, but they account for 47 percent of all occupants killed in car crashes. It’s even worse at night, where 55 percent of […]
