Prepping for a Long Motorcycle Ride

Summer motorcycling often includes long rides that include travel to different states or even across the country. These rides typically include visits to tourist sites or scenic regions of the country in order to enjoy the gifts America has to offer. They can also include stress, fear, and discomfort. That is why you must prep […]

T-CLOCS Inspection

If you’ve ever flown in a private plane, then you’ve probably experienced first-hand the long list of checks that must be made prior to take off. It makes sense. If something goes wrong in the sky, it’s a long way back down to the ground. Similarly, riding a bike requires the successful working of many […]

Motorcycle Tire Maintenance to Prevent Blowouts

One of the many terrifying things that can happen while riding a motorcycle on the street is a blowout. The sudden loss of tire pressure almost instantly makes it difficult to maneuver your bike, and you can only hope to maintain control until you are pulled to the side of the road. The potential for […]

DOT, ECE, and Snell Motorcycle Helmet Ratings

When you pick out a motorcycle helmet, it will have a safety sticker on the back of it labeling the helmet as safe for use according to a certain standard. The typical standards you’ll see on motorcycle helmets are DOT, ECE, and Snell. These ratings help prevent traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) during motorcycle accidents, and […]

Riding Pants vs. Chaps for Motorcycles in Florida

There are many options for protective gear when one rides a motorcycle, but during Florida summers it is hot. Unfortunately, some people make the unwise decision to skip the hot protective gear. Shorts and t-shirts are the norm. Some may not even wear helmets. A few ditch the shoes for flip-flops. The results can be […]

U.S. 441 Shutdown – Crash with Fatality – Stay clear of this Area

Crash with at least one person dead shuts down part of U.S. 441 as rush hour starts U.S. 441 has been closed in both directions north of Interstate 595 since a predawn Wednesday car crash with at least one person dead, Broward Sheriff’s Office said. The crash happened on U.S. 441, also known as State […]

Loud and Visible = Motorcycle Safety

You may have heard a motorcyclist state, “Loud pipes save lives.” This refers to motorcyclists’ lives for the most part. It is an argument for the loud exhaust systems on some cruisers like Harley-Davidsons. The theory is that other vehicles can hear you coming, so you are more visible. While this may not make your […]

Sovereign Immunity Creates Hurdles in Lawsuits Against Universities

As a result of the shutdowns around the nation in March 2020, many people had to switch from in-person education to online education platforms. Many students are now suing their universities for unjust enrichment. That means they paid for something that they didn’t receive, at least in the quality promised. They suffered, but the university […]

Exemptions are Killing Mask Wearing Mandates

The mask wearing debacle continues and Governor Rick DeSantis isn’t going to be the deciding factor in mandates. In a press conference Sunday (6/28/2020), DeSantis said that COVID-19 cases have risen significantly over the past week. He encouraged everyone to avoid enclosed spaces and places that are overcrowded. He also acknowledged that young people partying […]

The Face Mask Debate

Many Americans do not want to wear a face mask, which is why mask wearing mandates are a challenge because they really cannot be effectively enforced. If people don’t want to wear them, what can you do?  The reality is, you can’t do much. The police don’t want to enforce mask wearing regulations. YouTube videos […]
