
How Coronavirus Increased Motorcycle Sales

When the initial lockdowns over the COVID-19 pandemic began, most industries suffered. Unless you were a toilet paper manufacturer or a mask maker, the nation was locked down. The motorcycle industry also saw a decrease in sales amidst lockdown, but then it saw a surprising rise. Here are some of the reasons coronavirus increased motorcycle sales

Mental Health Needs Increased Motorcycle Sales

Firstly, the pandemic caused a huge dip in motorcycle sales in the spring. People were scared. They were more concerned about their jobs and the uncertain future than buying any type of vehicle. The addition of social isolation to this fear created a simmering mental health problem for some, and a mental health emergency for others. 

Then, lockdowns eased. People had to wear masks, but they could go to restaurants and other small businesses. Those who felt trapped inside had to get outside, and a motorcycle provided that opportunity. There are many people who ride because it makes them feel free and alive, and after the lockdown, the need to feel this way increased. According to some industry experts, motorcycle sales soared. By late summer, the spring collapse of motorcycle sales looked like it wouldn’t be so bad after all. 

Preparation Increased Motorcycles Sales

Some people are calling the late increase in motorcycle sales part of the “pandemic paradox.” It is confusing to some that there would be any increase in motorcycle sales when people are also buckling down and preparing for the worst. However, preparation is another reason for increased motorcycle sales. 

People don’t know how long they’ll be able to ride. Others see apocalyptic-type reasons to have a maneuverable vehicle with high efficiency and less fuel needs. Some want to buy their dream bike before it is too late, as prices could go up coinciding with wages falling. 

Many of the preparation arguments for an increase in motorcycle sales are extreme and unlikely, but they do exist. 

Bucket Lists Needed Fulfillment

A more likely reason for motorcycle sales increasing during the pandemic is that people want to check it off of their bucket list. Things have changed, possibly for the foreseeable future. People who buy motorcycles now may be doing it because they feel the opportunity is passing. 

Everyone has their “I would have if I’d known” story…an opportunity upon which they passed. When people dream of riding, and life circumstances threaten that opportunity, they buy a bike. 

Many people have the need to fulfill their highest desires before they die. Often, owning and riding a motorcycle is on that list of desires. Whether it is a street bike or an off-road bike, it’s on their bucket list. 

Riding Satisfies Social Distancing Requirements

From a utilitarian standpoint, motorcycles are an appropriate way to recreate when there are social distancing requirements. This may not be true of motorcycle rallies, but it is true even when riding in a group. 

At times, social restrictions have limited gatherings to only a few people. Experts recommend masks when social distancing is impossible. Then, there is the uncertainty that any of these efforts are effective. The confusion has made riding a motorcycle an easy choice. For people who want to hit the open road and engage in recreation without the hassle and confusion of social distancing, motorcycles were an easy answer. 

Stimulus Payments Increased Sales

Money is a very obvious potential reason for motorcycle sales increases. For many facing unemployment, the stimulus payments were a necessity in order to maintain their current lifestyle. However, some people were able to use those stimulus payments to keep the economy going. This was a positive benefit to the motorcycle industry. 

The stimulus payments were not enough to buy a brand new Harley, but they were enough to buy a starter off-road bike or put a down payment on a bigger bike. This was, in part, the intent of the stimulus payment. It kept people afloat during difficult financial times, but it also gave some a little spending money to save small businesses. 

Reduction to Single-Income Families

The pandemic has affected so many parts of everybody’s life, and it has changed many families. School closures, layoffs, and childcare have made many families reduce their incomes by one adult. This means single-income families that are used to two incomes.

Gas prices have been historically low, but for commuters, it is still a factor. Families who are financially struggling have chosen motorcycles for the commuting part of the family in order to save money. Motorcycles require less gas, and they are typically less expensive than passenger vehicles. 

The fact that riding a motorcycle can be less expensive than a passenger vehicle is especially important in southern states. This is because riding is not a chosen option for many in the north during the winter. Southern states have a year-long financial benefit in riding. 

The Adoption of YOLO

Lastly, the ease of coronavirus restrictions has many scrambling to live life to the fullest and do things they wouldn’t have done previously. This is a common phenomenon following traumatic events, and the pandemic has been traumatic for many. People are more willing to take the “risk” of riding because they have always wanted to experience the thrill of the ride. It is the you-only-live-once (YOLO) notion. Of course, this idea is only appropriate with standard precautions that make riding a motorcycle relatively safe. 

Coronavirus Understandably Increased Motorcycle Sales

When you look at some of the potential reasons motorcycle sales have increased during a pandemic, it makes sense. This is from a multi-faceted account of financial, emotional, and utilitarian needs. 

The average person doesn’t experience a crisis and is simultaneously afforded the opportunity to buy a yacht or a luxury sports car. But the average person can purchase and enjoy a motorcycle. This makes riding a new endeavor for many during the pandemic. It also makes seasoned riders get back on their bikes or upgrade the bikes that they have. 

Safety a Primary Concern When Motorcycle Sales Increase

The motorcycle industry welcomes a sales increase, but there is one negative aspect. Safety is a primary concern when there are a bunch of new riders on the road. This is because the YOLO lifestyle and checking of bucket list items can coincide with fearlessness and risk-taking behavior. 

Motorcycles can be a very safe option for travel when proper safety gear is purchased. A rider must also have a conscientious and safety-oriented attitude about what they are doing. Riding a motorcycle is not like driving a car where you are very visible and protected by an enclosure. This makes accidents much risky and riding a much more serious proposition. 

Motorcycle safety classes are a great advantage to the new rider, and motorcycle riders who are new to it should invest in a class or two. They should also invest in quality safety gear. Wear a helmet whether it is required or not. Lastly, pay attention when you are out on the road. You may have escaped the feeling of lockdown at your home. However, you don’t want to experience freedom only for a motorcycle accident to harm you. 

If you have been harmed in a motorcycle accident with another party, you may be able to get compensation for your damages. Contact the Law Offices of Kirshner, Groff, and Diaz for a consultation. 

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